Source: The Early Records of the Town of Providence (in 23 vols) printed under authority of the City Council of Providence, Snow and Farnham City Printers, Providence, RI, 1892,
Vol 5, p 34-36: Father Benjamin's Last Will and Testament dated February 1, 1686 gives homestead, lands, etc. to Elizabeth during her natural life, then to Isaac his son. Elizabeth and her new husband Richard Pray come to court on October 20, 1688 to transfer land to Isaac since Elizabeth has remarried.
Vol 4, p 210-212: February 10, 1689 Isaac transfers to his mother Elizabeth, now Elizabeth Prey, the homestead, house, out houses, orchards and all lands within the said lotts" signed Isaac Hernden and the mark of Sarah Hernden
Vol 4, p 233-235: March 28, 1691 Isaac buys 70 acres about eight miles from Providence from Rebeckah Whipple for 13 pounds 5 shillings. The land was owned by Richard Scott deceased and freely given to his three grandaughters, Sarah Scott, Katheren Scott, and Mary Scott.
Vol 14, p 271: March 31, 1696 Isaac sells 50 acres from the above 70 to Samuel Wilkinson upon which was a dwelling house.
vol 5, p 256: June 9, 1701 Elizabeth puts notice in the town meeting that someone has put out the word that they intend to buy her house and lands from Isaac. She is saying that Isaac sold the land back to her by deed and has no right to sell it.
Inventory takern November 10, 1727, Will proved, August 16, 1728
Source Margery Ida Harrington Matthews Notebook, North Scituate Public Library, Rhode Island: From his deeds, we may infer that Isaac after selling all his rights in the paternal estate went to live near his older brothers in the Westquadomsett section. Perhaps the date of the sale of this land marks the date of his removal to Norwich where he lived until his death. Isaac was a weaver by trade, perhaps this town gave hime greater opportunities to ply his trade.
As Isaac does not appear on any of the tax lists until 1688, we infer that he reached the age of 21 about that time. In 1688 a list of the heads of households in Providence was taken and there the name of Isaac appears. (EPR XVII, 129) Only once do we find him coming before the Council with a request. "At a meeting of the purchasers and Proprietors of Providence, November 6, 1694, to order concerning ye lands - upon ye request of Isaac Hearnden, it is granted to him to lay down 10 acres which belong to him - neere Westquadomsett take it up else where in ye comon, it being laid out in lieu of a share of a meadow (EPR, XI, 13)
That Isaac Hernden who appears in Norwich is this Isaac, son of Benjamin, is shown by a deed which he gave January 7, 1724 (Prov Deeds &, 94). I, Isaac Hearnden of Norwich, Conn, yeoman - to Robert Currie of Providence - all my rights of and to the Commonage and undivided lands - which appertaineth to me by the last will of my father, Benjamin Hernden and again repeated a second time and confirmed by a deed made unto me by my Honored deceased Mother, as appears - by a deed recorded in the Booke with Brass Clasps and in pages 248-249, witnessed by Richard and Abigail Waterman; dated and acknowledged January 7, 1724 at Providence.
The spelling of his name is Herrington consistently in his deeds. In the wills of both Isaac and Sarah, the spelling is Harrington. Although Isaac and Sarah both signed their names with an "X", the possession of books in the inventory suggests that they were able to read. The will of both Isaac and Sarah Harrington are in the Connecticut State Library in Hartford.
In the list of Isaac's children Ruth Eddy included a Solomon who died young. There is no mention of him in Norwich records; he may have been confused with Silvanus who Eddy omits.
Source Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island, John Osborne Austin, Genealogical Publishing Co, 1978, p 96:
In listing children does not list James or Silvanus but does list Solomon.
February 10, 1689 He and wife Sarah, deeded to his mother Elizabeth Pray, homestall, house, orchard, etc, having lawful power to dispose of same by deed of gift from mother.
March 31, 1696 He sold Samuel Wilkinson, 50 acres and dwelling house eight miles notrth of the harbor and near Pawtucket RIver, for 26 pounds.
January 7, 1724 Norwich. He sold Robert Currie of Providence, all rights of commonage and undivided land east of Seven Mile Line in Providence, appointed to me by last will of my honored father Benjamin Hearnden, deceased and again repreated and confirmed, etc., by quit claim made by hand of mother, deceased.
September 3, 1727 Will. Proved August 16, 1728. Exx. wife Sarah. To her, dwelling house at Norwich and all movables. To eldest son Isaac, at dath of his mother, certain land. To son Solomon, rest of lands and meadows at Norwich, he paying certain sums. To son John 20 shillings, he having had already. To daughter Patience Whaley, 6 pounds. To daughters Jemima and Mary Bennett and Prudence earnden, 5 pounds each. To grandaughter Eunice Bennett, youngest daugher of Sarah, Deceased, 40 shillings at eighteen.
Inventory taken Nobember 10 1727.